Backblaze b2 synology
Backblaze b2 synology

backblaze b2 synology

Ready to order your B2 Fireball? Visit our B2 Fireball Home Page and sign in to order. Not what you’re looking for? If you are a Fireball customer looking for our standard upload guide, you can find it here: How to Upload Files to B2 Using Fireball Creating a Hyper Backup job on your personal Synology device.Connecting the Fireball to your network.This guide will cover the following topics: Your internet connection is not fast enough to complete the initial backup in a reasonable amount of time.You do not have a backup in B2 Cloud Storage, but would like to.

backblaze b2 synology

Synology NAS owners can now create Hyper Backup jobs and use a B2 Fireball as the destination. B2 Fireball Guide: Creating and Relinking a Hyper Backup Job

Backblaze b2 synology